Support - FAQ

We are dedicated to resolving your issues as soon as possible.

chevron How do I install the extension?

To install the extension, click the 'Install Extension' button on the Home Page, and it will send you to the Chrome Web Store. In the Store, click 'Add to Chrome'.

chevron How do I get it for FireFox?

For now, the extension is only available for Chrome. We are working on a FireFox version and will release it as soon as possible. Stay tuned in our Instagram account for updates.

chevron Why is it giving me an error?

If you are getting an error, it is possible that something went wrong in our servers. Please try again after an amount of time. We are working on a fix for most errors.

chevron How do I contact support?

You can contact our support by emailing We are available to assist you Monday through Friday, 9am to 5pm IST, or randomly at other times.